This is early WIP!



Vite & React powered Static Site Generator

⚡️ Vite-Powered

Vite is a front-end development build tool based on the ES Module and is known for its speed.


We can write JSX directly in the markdown file, or even import React components.

✨ Tailwind CSS

We can tweak the style in the document using the classes provided by Tailwind CSS.


It’s very simple to use a huge amount of icons in the document on demand.


Pressify itself does not render the content and needs to perform the rendering with the help of a theme.

And, uh..

This is early WIP! The English document is not ready yet.

Like VitePress,easy to use

# install in your project
yarn add -D pressify

# create a markdown file in your docs directory
mkdir docs && cd docs
echo '# Hello Pressify' >

# start writing
yarn pressify dev

# build to static files
yarn pressify build
# install in your project
yarn add -D pressify

# create a markdown file in your docs directory
mkdir docs && cd docs
echo '# Hello Pressify' >

# start writing
yarn pressify dev

# build to static files
yarn pressify build